Fierce battle otter and alligator
The incident occurred at Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge in Florida. Otter, which usually feeds on fish entered the fray with a young alligator. What came of it look under the cut.At first it seemed that a small otter nothing grabbed with severe and crocodile, but it soon became clear that otters prevails. Alligator in a panic when their sharp fangs otter grabbed his neck in water. Despite the fact that the alligator is traditionally considered the most dangerous and powerful predator, in this fight, he has not the slightest chance against the otter Animals were photographed at Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge in Florida, where the otter attacked a small alligator, and completely suppresses the reptile. Otter attacked a relatively young alligator, having beneficial grab his neck, allowing himself a favorable position, depriving opportunities alligator around and bite. After a brief struggle, the otter was able to pull the reptile to shore and out of sight with his prey. Despite its lovely views, otters are predators for many freshwater fish species. The North American river otter can grow to 1 - 1.2 meters in length and weigh up to 13 kilograms. They are quite voracious and should eat food equivalent to 15 percent of its own weight every day to keep warm. Scramble two animals occurred on the St. Johns River near DeLeon Springs. Here mixed subtropical and temperate climate that provides a high diversity of animal species. It is home to 215 species of birds, 22 species of amphibians and 50 species of reptiles. Although otters feed mainly on fish, they often also eat shellfish, crabs and small mammals. But it was not known that otters can also attack the reptiles.