Unusual idea for a rear patio

by umer | 9:53 AM in , , |

Unusual idea for a rear patio
The family decided not just to make a pool in the backyard, but also combine it with a pond. That's what they did ..

His paradise for 13,000 dollars

by umer | 11:09 AM in , |

His paradise for 13,000 dollars
Over 13 thousand dollars an Englishman Brendon Grimshaw bought the tiny uninhabited island in the Seychelles and moved there permanently. When Englishman Brendon Grimshaw (Brendon Grimshaw) was forty, he quit his job and newspaper editor started a new life.

Strange but interesting inventions
That one - the opening, for another - bauble. Offer you some "invention" of the different spheres of life. Which of the following gold, and that way - chickens for laughter - everyone decides for himself.

Oil pencil. Oil in a tube created by the type of glue-stick.

A selection of truly courageous people
Most courageous people can call those who are not afraid to live and to take risks. The risk of many of them are inspired by millions of everyday victory over himself and proves that nothing is impossible. Suggest you see some amazing photos of brave people.

Acrobats Jarl Smith, Jewel and Jimmy Kerrigan Uoddek 86th floor of Empire State Building, New York, August 21, 1934.

Heavy bikes Unusual design

by umer | 10:42 AM in , |

Heavy bikes Unusual design 

Features of fishing on the lake monsters!
According to the author: fishing in all waters of Sochi, on the mountain rivers to lakes, overfishing bunch of carp, barbel, chub, trout, etc. I would like the new trophies. My wife and I decided to fly to rest in Pattaya, and I wondered, why not. I do not like deep-sea fishing, mainly in Thailand and offer, I do not like trolingovoy fishing on a boat, I was interested in the famous lake monsters or giants as it is called there, I knew the commercials on YouTube and reviews, known for its exotic giants namely the Amazonian Arapaima.

Barely barely out of the clutches of his wife kicking day of family-friendly fishing, long buhtela, saying that I spend a lot of money on a fishing trip that I lures and hooks like a fool shag, I replied saying that she handbags their spending even more money, said that this bad idea and abroad pursuing me, I explained that if I have not been there, then the world stops for me. to me it is vital that this is the last time. Shorter than his wife on the island, and the fishing. Day walking on the tour kiosks, Russian sellers pushing me bullshit, not understanding about what they say, they are important to sell. The fact that close to Pattaya many different lakes, but that other lakes, almost at hand, I explained what I needed, and that's one Thai receive, what I want, I poulybalsya he promised as a nibble on the black rocks. Early in the morning for me zaezzhaet Thai, I sleepy, with a sore head after Roma, take a beer and crawl into the car. Thai is looking at me, smiling, knowing my physical condition, mentally puts me class! One and a half hours by Thai potholes and fields, I deliver the lake.

Awesome chess

by umer | 10:21 AM in , , |

Awesome chess

Fierce battle otter and alligator
The incident occurred at Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge in Florida. Otter, which usually feeds on fish entered the fray with a young alligator. What came of it look under the cut.

At first it seemed that a small otter nothing grabbed with severe and crocodile, but it soon became clear that otters prevails.

Impressive photos of the past month
Bring to your attention a series of pictures, where each frame carries the whole story, or at least cause a storm of emotions. Here was a place animals, sports, politics, and just the best photographs of ordinary people.

Valentine's Day
After these photos I want to believe that love is eternal.

Photos taken at the right time

by umer | 10:05 AM in , , |

Photos taken at the right time
Not many of us can boast of photographs that were taken at the right moment. This collection is designed to help staff who were accidentally shot at the right time.

Alan Sailer and objects at the moment of explosion
Photo artist Alan Sailer High devoted himself shooting. In one of his projects, he takes different items that found at flea markets, markets and sales at a time when they fly through the shot fired from a gun.

Darth Vader of spoons
What just did Darth Vader's helmet. This time found a skilled welder and of spoons, old beds and furniture made from pens beauty.

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