Cheating lock trolleys in hypermarkets
Do you remember such a special and familiar freebies during the USSR, as a coin on a string? Certainly remember. Hard to believe, but this ritual in our days is not less important. In this you can clearly see seeing this post.

I, like many residents of large cities, visit the supermarket once a week. I preferred to ride in Mytishchi Auchan. Once a week I bring back six thousand rubles. Total per month - 24 thousand, and a year - about 300 thousand rubles. That is, in 3 years I would be there as a SUV "attribute", and want to treat me at least no worse than last weekend. So. I come once again in Auchan, and there trolleys on the locks! You put 10 rubles. - Detachable trolley. The logic is clear to me, done to the trolley did not throw, when you get your ten rubles you get back. So I did not throw them so! And urge you to put into place!
... I was taken aback the first time - a ten coins I had. Ads next to the parking carts I have not seen any announcements in advance and was not, although I remind you that Auchan visit every week. In addition, the trolley in Auchan 70 percent broken-down, and before I even had a chance to sort and choose the truck that somehow rolls.
So to be able to choose a cart that somehow goes, I suggest to make the key.
To manufacturing, you will need: a man, 10-ruble coin, flat file, drill, 2mm, 5mm drill to countersink ruler or caliper thread.
Take a coin of 10 rubles. Check diameter. Should be able to 22mm.
ruler can measure)
Take the flat file, and grind a little coin.
As a result, for a "short diameter" should have no more than 20.5 mm.
Here is the source and the final version next.
Take a drill and drill 2mm or so in diameter.
Drill hole side, as in the photo.
Take the drill diameter and more zenkuem.
Vdevaem thread. Reamer will not grind thread.
The final form of the key.
Regimen. Thread needs to not using a coin fell from his hands and, most importantly, by a string easily rotate and pull the coin. entire process takes a couple of seconds, ie not longer than the method that imposed the store.
Gourmets can use a coin without a hole and thread.

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