Most mysterious places on earth

by umer | 8:09 AM in , |

Most mysterious places on earth
All mysterious and inexplicable attracted mankind since ancient times and causes intense interest and curiosity. Presenting your attention the list of the most mysterious places on our planet.

1. Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean the first place in our ranking of the most mysterious places on the planet is the Bermuda Triangle, which is the area between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. This site gained notoriety due to the set of the missing ships here. Also, you've probably heard about the mysterious events that allegedly took place here, such as time travel or meetings with a ghost ship. Scientists however do not find in this place is nothing mystical and believe that the Bermuda Triangle is a complex area in terms of navigation. Nevertheless, about the Bermuda Triangle written many books and removed a lot of movies, and interest in this place is still very large.

2. Dell black bamboo, China is a place located in southern China, is considered one of the most mysterious places on the planet.His fame is due to the fact that it mysteriously disappeared without a trace many people. In addition, in the valley regularly accidents happen and people die. In 1950, the plane crashed here, the crew had not reported the accident, technical failures, the ship also has not been revealed. Also known case when in Dingle black bamboo gone an entire expedition team. Expedition leader behind the group, and then described how around him became suddenly rise thick fog, and he felt some inexplicable fear and froze in his tracks. When the fog disappeared, disappeared with him and members of the expedition who did not manage to find, as well as all equipment. There is a theory according to which the valley is Heychzhu transition zone in the parallel world, a pair of rotting plants that are here have an impact on human consciousness.
3. Czech catacombs, the Czech Republic is a place located in Czech town Yiglav, received mystical fame thanks to the mysterious and inexplicable phenomena occurring here. They say that in the passages dug here in the Middle Ages, at night organ music. If at first the scientists were skeptical about this talk, after a while yet acknowledged that underground something is wrong, and even sent a special expedition to the catacombs. The expedition results shocked: there really hear the sounds of the organ. According to scientists, the Czech catacombs hide such a mystery that has simply not able to unravel the science.Members of the expedition and other eyewitnesses mystical phenomena were examined by psychologists to conclude that in this case we can not speak about a mass hallucination. Another puzzling discovery scientists became staircase emitting light that was discovered in one of the underground tunnels, and studies have shown the absence in the ladder of phosphorus.Mysticism, and only.
4. Loch Ness, Scotland This famous Scottish lake attracts lovers of mysticism and mysterious phenomena. Popularity of this lake is connected with the mysterious huge animal that supposedly lives here. According to more than four thousand witnesses animal resembles fossil lizard with an elongated neck. First saw this monster in the 20th century couple McKay, who owned the hotel nearby. Since then, the number of witnesses to lohhnesskogo monsters increased, and even have different evidence of its existence, such as a movie, which was filmed in English aviator, as well as photographs and other materials. Generally the lake Loch Ness considered large anomalous zone. Here more than once observed the UFO movement. Lake repeatedly investigated by using different equipment. One of the most interesting studies have been conducted in 1997, when scientists discovered at the bottom of the lake in a huge cave nine meters wide. Scientists believe that its depth can reach several hundred meters. The current study extends the mysterious lake.
5. Arkaim Russian mystic city Arkaim discovered by archaeologists in 1987 and located in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, is in fifth place in our ranking. Once this place was a fortress of ancient Arkov who inexplicably left their refuge, finally arranging fire.I wonder what the city virtually destroyed and looks much better than the nearby city Sintashta Aryan. They say that in Arkaime occur unusual and mystical things. So, after visiting the city, human life takes on new meaning, and all the diseases that are sleeping in the body, go outside and then permanently leave the man alone. City consists of two rings that fit into each other, and four entrances to the city are oriented to the cardinal points and the stars. To get to this city and everyone can, however, say that not every person wants to take Arch.
6. Molebsky triangle, Russia Another place is shrouded in mysticism in Russia in the Perm region. Place under the name Molebsky triangle is near the village Molebka. This place was once sacred to the peoples Mansi. Mysterious glory Molebsky triangle was in 1983, when the entire country thundered the news that the Permian geologist Emile Bachurin stumbled upon a huge round track.Further studies Molebskogo triangle led to the conclusion strong dowsing anomalies. In addition, participants expedition groups have repeatedly said about the strange objects they observed here, as well as the unusual sound sources which they could not identify. Since the 90's, was to come here as scientists and curious tourists that allegedly anomalous zone ceased to exist under the influence of the mass of people.
7. Chavinda, Mexico completes our list of the most mysterious places on the planet mysterious Chavinda located in Mexico.According to locals, here is the transition to the parallel dimension. In Chavinde often occur various kinds of anomalous phenomena. The most famous case occurred at night in 1990, when local treasure hunters saw how far from the top of the mountain located them approaching rider. Rider appeared after 5 minutes, although it was physically impossible. Terrified treasure hunters dropped their tools and in a panic scattered. Recovering, they questioned the reality of what happened and continued search of treasure. However, this mystical events have not ended. Just one day all hunters have failed cars. It is said that there was even a case when one of the cars stopped physically exist, and it crashed into a truck whose driver got the shock of what is happening, because he was faced with "invisible" car. Strange phenomena occurred as long as Mexicans have not given myself the word never engaged in searches of this treasure.

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