Horizontal Falls

by umer | 10:48 AM in , , , , |

Horizontal Falls
in the Bay Area Talbot Kimberley in Western Australia is a horizontal waterfall.
This natural phenomenon has two canyons in the ranges McLarty Range, through which the tides are pushing a lot of water, creating a temporary fall height of 5 meters.
When the flow direction is changed, there is a waterfall on the other side of the ridge.
Two faults are located on two parallel mountain ridges, about 300 meters away from each other. First, proximity to the sea breaking, has a width of about 20 meters. Second, forming the most spectacular waterfall, with a width of 10 meters.
During the tidal water is stored in the front of faults faster than it can pass through them. This, in turn, creates an amazing waterfall effect as the water rushes through a narrow opening, and on the other side of the ridge falls to a lower level of water.
Hot flashes, which alternate with the tide every six and a half hours in the field up to 10-meter mark. When the flow through fractures subsides, there is the possibility of sailing boat.
Horizontal Falls phenomenon has been described by David Attenborough as "one of the greatest natural wonders of the world"

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